Welcome To: Alma Y Tierra;

A platform, a community, a place to connect with yourself, with like-minded souls and with me.

Piece By Piece:

Listen now (13 min) | Moving Stagnant Energy

From Victimhood To Victory:

Listen now (49 min) | How to Take Ownership of Your Life Now (with Jordan Dunin)

Beyond The Mind:

Listen now (112 min) | Uncovering The True Self

Piece By Piece:

Listen now (17 min) | Getting Out Of A Rut

A New Season Of Life:

Listen now (55 min) | Realisations, Rejuvenation & The Return To Self

Full Moon, Full Heart

Virgo is calling you to ground as the Full Moon settles her energy into our own. I personally feel that the mix between earthy, steadfast Virgo and flowy Pisces is a dream incarnated into reality, one that we have the power over acting upon, whether that be in the big, wide, outside world, or to keep the secrets that we hold to our own magic within, and sit with the child-like experience a little longer.

Piece By Piece: How To Make Healthy Habits Stick

Listen now (13 min) | Welcome to: Trust The Process, Piece By Piece, with Claudia. In this week's episode we are covering the how behind the ongoing feat: making healthy habits stick. I tackle the 3 most impactful actionables that you can tangibly implement into your daily life to create solid foundations for healthy habits, routines and rituals, and ultimately create a life that is genuinely enjoyable, in which you feel happier and healthier through your very actions.

Real Talk: Why You Can't Sell Your Way To Purpose

Listen now (34 min) | Welcome to: Trust The Process, with Claudia. Today we activate rant mode (just a little), as I talk about some things that have been frustrating me lately within the coaching/"wellness" industry. Honestly I just want to be a voice that articulates in some way the things that you may have been experiencing and have not been able to put into words, or that you have not heard others within the space speak out about, so if that is you, don't hesitate to get in touch with me - I always love to hear your experiences, or even where you disagree :)

Wake Up With Me: Vulnerability, Acceptance & Finding Inner Peace

Listen now (37 min) | Welcome to: Trust The Process, with Claudia. Today's intuitive flow is just that; as the Sun rises on a Tuesday morning, sat in bed with a cup of rosehip tea, a flood of inspiration came to me and I picked up my laptop and began recording. In this episode, I discuss

Find YOUR Value: Unblock Your Expression

Listen now (31 min) | Welcome to: Trust The Process, with Claudia. I'm feeling into the intuitive flow of this incoming New Moon and Aquarian energy with this episode... I uncover why we should be focusing on what is calling us in, rather than contorting ourselves into shapes that don't truly let us live in our expression.

The New Year: Time To Surrender

Listen now (25 min) | Welcome to: Trust The Process, with Claudia. Welcome back into this new calendar year and straight into this Full Moon energy which I am feeling strongly! It's a true delight to be back recording again, expressing myself through my throat Chakra and connecting to my heart through the words and energy that is felt through me.

Piece By Piece: What Is Meditation?

Listen now (15 min) | Trust The Process, Piece By Piece, with Claudia. This week we are discussing the question: Is it possible for someone who does not meditate to be more innately in touch with themselves than someone who meditates regularly? In this episode we cover: What is "spiritual bypassing"?

Where Are You?

If there were ever a time to return, it would be Now...

Welcome To:

Alma Y Tierra; a platform a community a place to connect with yourself, with like-minded souls and with me, Claudia, founder of this platform. Here you will be able to access my podcast, Trust The Process and my blog posts exclusive to Substack; subscribe to my weekly newsletter; receive exclusive monthly collective lunar and energy readings and become a part of an expanding community of souls navigating this earthly experience.

Piece By Piece: Holistic Health

Listen now (18 min) | Welcome to: Trust The Process: Piece By Piece, with Claudia. This week we are discussing how to cultivate a 360 degree approach to our health. If you want to join in the discussion and help choose the topics we'll be diving into in the weeks to come, follow me on

The Oracle Is You: Lunar Eclipse, 11/11 Portal, Upleveling Consciousness & The Power You Have

Listen now (67 min) | Welcome to: Trust The Process, with Claudia. In this episode I go heavily into the esoterics and the "why" behind what we are all currently experiencing as a collective. I cover: What is a Lunar Eclipse, a Solar Eclipse and a Blood Moon. What this specific Lunar Eclipse and Full Blood Moon in Taurus have brought to light.

Opening The Portal To Who We Are: Aligned Living (with Emily Taylor)

Listen now (71 min) | Welcome to: Trust The Process, with Claudia. And welcome to my first ever guest episode with a wonderful friend, Soul and Earth Angel, Emily Taylor, a.k.a Soul & Wisdom. In this episode we talk all things: Scarcity mindset Catalysts for realising that we are always receiving from the Universe and the world around us