
As my Heart expands, my chest awakens and my lungs fill up with the air that they took their very first breath, I am reborn.

Reborn into a new, loving state. One in which I am connected to my deeply unchanging Self worth at all times. Throughout tribulations; obstacles; hurdles… Because they all lead to one, Divine, inevitable outcome: Overcoming. With a full heart, this process renders me unstoppable. Challenges, no matter their weight or gravity, teach me about the deep Truth of Who I Am. How to love myself in my actions as I am - because only in this state can I surrender to the ever-blowing wind and ride the wave that the Universe brings to my door. Only in a state of complete gratitude for where I am, how I am and the ways that I continue to show up for myself and my intentions, can I truly align with then frequency of Divine intelligence that transports me effortlessly, in this state of total acceptance, to where I need to be.

Being swept off of my sweet feet; hurled forcefully; tugged begrudgingly or placed gently. The means are dependent on my Present state of Consciousness - a reflection of my Resistance or willingness to flow. Grace is a choice that I can bring with me into life. Into the wilderness, I can marry my untamed nature with an ivory ease - so pure and tender, that the chaos cannot overrule her strength, but merely exist, as it is, in the midst of all that surrounds it.

Chaos need not define one’s life circumstances; nor ought it be shunned and mistreated. Instead, it can exist as a beacon. A loving reminder that the energy of the Universe is not static; it is expansive and unruly and, though everything is a part of the Divine plan, uncertainty and recklessness is often at the very centre of that - leading the way.